Friday, March 2, 2012

Blog Comments, Movie Editing, Book Trailers, and Science

Today we have a full plate, so I hope you are hungry!

First, we will be leaving comments on blogs, and posting our very own blog posts. I would like you to visit our sister school, Elsanor Elementary at this web address: and leave a comment on any of the top three posts.

Rules to commenting: Credit to Mr. McClung and Mr. Chamberlain. Thank you for your rules and insight.

Your post for this week:

You are currently studying plant and animal cells in science. I would like you to write a post describing which part of the cell best matches a description of your personality, and tell me why.

For example: I most closely relate to the nucleus because the nucleus is the brain of the cell. It helps control eating, movement, and reproduction within the cell. As a classroom teacher, I direct us to the cafeteria, I monitor your behavior (or movements), and I organize productive activities. The nucleus is usually in the middle of the cell because that is the safest place for it to be. When you are working on your projects, I am usually right in the middle of the chaos as well, only for me-- that is usually not the safest place to be. That is why I relate to the nucleus.

Notice how I used the APES method to answer my prompt. Can you find the Answer, Proof, Extension, and Summary?

Before you are finished, you need to add a picture to your blog post. Find a cool picture of an animal or plant cell. It can be a diagram, illustration, or actual image.

While you are working on your blog posts, Jenna, Niaviana, and Miller will be preparing to instruct you all on how to make book trailers. So be ready to listen carefully because the techniques and methods they will be using will also be used when you start editing videos for our ibook next week!

Check out this website: and see if you can find another one that is equally informative and easy to understand. Post it along with your picture and post in your blog.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! My name is Kasey Mooney. I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I just want to say that the assignment you gave your students about picking and describing a part of a cell that best matches their personality is pretty interesting. I do not think that I would have ever thought of doing that. Thank you for this idea, I think I may use this activity when I begin teaching.
