Saturday, November 26, 2011

On Our Way to Defying Indifference

"The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference." --Elie Weisel

Last week, we learned how art affects writing. Well, this week we are going to use art and writing to represent our math findings! Each of you have a survey about your experiences with bullying. Do not write your name on this survey. It is anonymous. I would like you to take the next 5-10 minutes to complete the survey. Do not forget to list many, varied, and unusual actions you think parents, teachers, and other adults could perform to stop bullying on the back of your survey. Once we tally the responses for each question, I would like you to decide which type of graph would best display our data. Once we have graphed our data, we will determine the fractions and percentages for each answer. Wear your thinking cap!

Before we jump into our art activity, I want you to think of the experiences that you reflected upon when you answered the questions to your survey. If you were bullied, is there something you wish someone could have done to prevent that experience from happening? If you witnessed bullying, is there something you or someone else could have done to stop it? If you were apart of bullying, is there something you wish you would have done differently so that you wouldn't have felt the need to bully? Our goal with this short answer writing assignment is to first list many, varied and unusual ways that we could be proactive about stifling maliciousness and spreading kindness throughout our communities. Then, each of you will choose one strategy that you can expand upon, and complete this sentence with your wish (strategy), "All I want for the holidays is..." We will paste your sentences to an ornament and display them so that others can be inspired by your great ideas!

In honor of Welcome Comfort, I would like you to imagine a Christmas scene that features a Christmas tree. Determine what belongs in the foreground, middleground, and background. Using the torn paper technique like Ms. Luckey's third grade class demonstrated with their Australian Creation Story comprehension visualizations, I would like you to first completely cover your paper with images that belong in your background, even if it is a solid color. Next, I would like you to layer the images that belong in your middle ground on top of your background layer. Finally, I would like you to add your foreground layer. Before you begin this process, you need to use your PLANNING TALENT to determine the colors you will need to create your image, the steps in the process of your gluing and layering, and any problems that might occur along the way.

ALCOS Standard, Grade 5:

14. Analyze data collected from a survey or experiment to distinguish between what the data show and what might account for the results. Evaluate different representations of the same data to determine how well each representation shows important aspects of the data. Using given measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode) to analyze data.

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